Ignite Your B2B Brand in China with the Power of Live-streaming

Welcome to the captivating world of live streaming in China, where businesses are transformed, lives are changed, and B2B can join in on the fun. Live-stream can sound like a daunting and stressful task for more traditional industries, but it doesn’t have to.

In this article, we will explore the incredible impact of live streaming for businesses and individuals alike. From revolutionizing B2B brands to boosting foreign trade, we’ll delve into the exciting realm of live streaming platforms and their role in shaping the Chinese market. So, get ready to embark on a thrilling journey that combines entertainment, education, and limitless opportunities.


Live Streaming: A Modern Twist to TV Shopping

Globally, live-streaming has breathed new life into TV Shopping, offering a contemporary twist that captivates audiences worldwide. It generated sales of $480 billion in China last year that are likely to jump 30% this year. 

B2B brands, usually considered to be on a more conservative side, are leveraging this dynamic medium to expand their reach and engage with customers on a whole new level both in China and beyond. In a survey conducted among Chinese B2B brands, 56% said that they plan to increase the budget for live-streaming video in the coming months.   

By harnessing the power of live streaming, businesses can showcase their products and services in an interactive and immersive way, leaving a lasting impact on viewers.

Live Streaming Channels

🤳 Check out our Introduction to WeChat Channels Live-Streaming

Boosting Foreign Trade through Live Streaming

Chinese manufacturers have discovered the immense potential of live streaming platforms in boosting foreign trade. Platforms like Alibaba.com, a leading global wholesale trade platform, have witnessed steady growth in cross-border business-to-business (B2B) trade through live streaming. 

In fact, during a recent trade event organized by Alibaba over 60,000 Chinese businessmen used cross-border live streaming to promote their products, attracting more than 700,000 foreign buyers. Viewers can witness the production process, product testing, and interact with hosts who speak multiple languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Arabic. 

This seamless communication and access to international markets eliminate constraints of time and location, fostering a truly global business environment. This trend has significantly contributed to the rebound in China’s foreign trade.

Can Western brands leverage live-streaming and reach their potential customers and partners based in China?

💼 10 Ways for a B2B Brand to Generate Leads on WeChat

Breaking Barriers for B2B Brands: Virtual Tours and Multilingual Experiences

Travel restrictions during COVID-19 seriously impacted the possibility of face-to-face meetings, trade show participation and factory meetings not only among overseas brands but also internally. That’s why Chinese companies acted fast and quickly adapted to obstacles. Virtual tours, industry conferences in metaverse, live-streaming shows and webinars quickly entered Chinese digital space and are here to stay. 

Since China’s reopening earlier this year, visitors can come freely to China. Nevertheless, new tools developed helped to break down geographical barriers and enabled brands to start and continue conversations online at their fingertips.


Live-streaming: What To Stream and How?

B2B brands can captivate their audiences through engaging live-streams on a myriad of topics. Whether it’s industry insights, product demonstrations, or thought-provoking discussions, live-stream events can offer a dynamic platform to connect, educate, and foster meaningful connections with clients and partners.


  • New products and explanations of new features and functionalities
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Case studies
  • Tutorials
  • Behind the scenes: virtual tours, production process
  • Interviews
  • Trade shows

Because the Chinese digital ecosystem is vastly different from the global one, user behavior also varies considerably. However in this case it will work in your favor. 

Why WeChat Channels?

In China, users often don’t need to switch between different platforms and apps. Therefore if they already follow you on WeChat, you can send them a notification that a live-stream will take place and remind them just before it starts. It’s very convenient and helps to maximize effort. 

B2B Live Stream WeChat Santoni

Since most B2B brands build their brand hub on WeChat it’s the best choice to start live-streaming there as well (click here to learn more about WeChat for B2B sector). Thanks to the multitude of functionalities like live comments, customer service connection, and more, brands can bring their communication to the next level and truly get in a conversation with their followers.  On WeChat live-streams can be saved and watched later by your followers and newcomers. Recently our Head of Strategy, Miriam Dabrowa, shared her insights on how luxury brands can leverage WeChat Channels for live-streaming with JingDaily, you can read the full article here: A Luxury Brand Guide To Using WeChat Channels. Although, the article is dedicated to luxury brands, B2B brands can also learn and apply the key takeaways.

B2B Live Stream WeChat Santoni

⚠️Live-streaming from trade shows outside of China require applying to Tencent beforehand. You can contact us to support you on this.

🎥 See how you can get started on WeChat Channels – Guide for Beginners

The Fun Side of Live Streaming: Engaging and Entertaining

Live Streaming isn’t just about serious business—it’s also a realm of entertainment and engagement. This kind of content can seriously increase your credibility with authentic live content. Of course, professionalism should always be a priority but audiences look for valuable and interesting content first. 

The rise of live streaming in China has revolutionized the way businesses approach marketing and engagement. It has become a driving force in boosting foreign trade and facilitating cross-border business transactions.

Live Streaming not only breaks down barriers but also provides an entertaining and immersive experience for viewers. English-speaking WeChat users can now dive into this exciting world, where education, entertainment, and endless opportunities converge.

So, embrace the power of live streaming and unlock a new realm of business growth and engagement. Don’t miss out on this incredible journey that awaits you in the captivating world of live streaming in China. Also, don’t forget to check out article on Top 5 alternatives for LinkedIn in China you need to know now. For additional information, please contact at contact@thewechatagency.com.

Case Study: AkzoNobel (B2B Management)


International Marine Coating is the flagship trademark of AkzoNobel’s Marine & Protective Coatings division, which employs over 5,500 people in over 60 countries.


Major shipping firms such as Maersk, COSCO, and CMA CGM are among International Marine’s target customers.

Its main goal in China is to raise brand awareness and equity so that it may be regarded as a major player in the industry.

AkzoNobel - Content Creation China

AkzoNobel – Content Creation

As part of our retainer contract, we deployed a combination of strategic activities, including engaging with industry expert magazines to publish material from the brand on their WeChat account in order to acquire access to relevant audiences and the validation of well-established media in the market.


The 2 Magazine articles surpassed by 80% and 125% the brand’s best-performing owned article of the whole year among the relevant target audience.

AkzoNobel China

AkzoNobel – Hot Accounts Collaboration


These PR-like collaborations also serve as SEO backlinks, boosting the brand’s ranking in the SERP.

These collaborations have a short-term benefit of raising brand recognition among magazine readers who may not be familiar with the company, and a long-term benefit of improving SERP ranking.


If you wish to know more about WeChat and its various features, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their network among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact at contact@thewechatagency.com.

10 Ways for a B2B Brand to Generate Leads on WeChat

Lead generation in China, and especially for the B2B sector, might seem a bit challenging at first but doesn’t have to. In the past, many Western brands relied on LinkedIn when reaching out to new prospects in China, but since the platform transformed itself into CareerIn late last year and removed its social interaction component, it became quite obsolete in terms of lead generation. 

If your company has an official WeChat account registered on WeChat (the biggest app in China) then you’re on the right path. WeChat, contrary to Western social apps which are largely used for personal communication, is used for both private and business purposes by Chinese users. This difference can be a big advantage for B2B brands in China (WeChat for B2B sector). Because emails or website are not top of mind for brand communication, Chinese users expect to find detailed information and receive updates from brands on WeChat. Staying within the WeChat ecosystem can actually make it even easier to guide your lead through an exciting and successful brand discovery journey – see our previous post-WeChat Marketing vs Website Marketing.

In the B2B lead generation on WeChat and nurturing funnel, it’s vital to figure out how to grow your visibility as a B2B player, automate the processes while also allowing customer care and sales reps to better identify and close deals. Let us walk you through some of the most relevant tactics depending on the stage of your relationship with your leads on WeChat. 

Lead Generation – How to Grow Your Exposure?

Since WeChat is a semi-closed platform, meaning that non-followers don’t receive updates from your brand, it’s not always easy for brands to immediately grow their fanbase. However, depending on your budget or time, you can try different approaches to grow your exposure on WeChat among users who haven’t connected with your brand yet. 


Tencent’s WeChat advertising allows businesses to place promotional messages on users’ timelines, WeChat Official Account articles, and even third-party mini-programs. Brands can use WeChat ads to increase the number of followers on their official accounts, boost traffic to their official website or mini-programs. Cost-per-fan for a B2B brand can get quite high with sometimes approx. 70 RMB (USD11) and is not without some industry-specific restrictions but it is still a great way to get exposure and unfollow rate for industry accounts are significantly lower than for B2C brands.

WeChat advertising has 3 major types – How To Promote Your Account On WeChat?


A great way to gain your visibility is working with your industry hot accounts. We can compare this cooperation to KOL (Key Opinion Leader) influencer marketing but on a B2B level. A bigger account with sizeable exposure and authority reshares your article directly. There are two other whitelisted sharing options:

1. Displaying a link to the original Official Account: At the end of the article, as the original content creator, you can request (or not) to provide a link to your official account (the link will be automatically added).
2. Permission to edit: The original material created may grant permission to edit the article to the partner account (otherwise it will be forwarded exactly as the original version).

You can also reshare articles from other official accounts. Please note that some restrictions for international accounts might apply.


Channels – for brand discovery 

WeChat Channels is a video platform within WeChat that allows users to produce and share short video clips and photographs to their own WeChat Channel. It was released for beta testing in early 2020 and two years later it’s becoming one of the most important WeChat components actively improved and promoted by Tencent. Check out our Beginner’s Guide to WeChat Channels.

Thanks to hashtags it’s much easier to discover new content on WeChat than before. Also, because WeChat is the first choice for professional communication it’s only natural that B2B visual content has a much higher chance to gain traction there than for example on Douyin (TikTok).

Only this month, Tencent introduced a new set of features that B2B brands can enjoy right away on WeChat Channels. Brands can now add service menus to the WeChat Channels main page greatly improving user experience and adding new functionalities to the account. WeChat added also new options for WeCom and Channels integration.

WeChat Channels

WeChat SEO-friendly articles

Yes, WeChat has its own search engine (SouYiSou, 搜一搜) and it’s getting more and more precise to index content across the whole Tencent ecosystem. To have your content featured in search results publish articles with a focus on keywords with regularity. Content authority is important too so don’t forget to encourage the right engagements.  Leveraging the rest of the Tencent ecosystem like WeChat Channels can further improve your results.

WeChat, like other search engines, prioritizes the most relevant content. It is critical for brands to use keywords in article text and headlines when developing content. The viewer engagement rate is another parameter that WeChat search looks at. This covers impressions, clicks, and post-reactions. A higher interaction rate means a better ranking in the WeChat search results.

QR codes

Not to forget, QR codes are the lifeblood of the platform on WeChat. Ideally place them on your physical product, marketing materials, and online.

When a user scans a code, it can land on your official account directly. A code that also leads to a mini-program or a mini-site within the WeChat ecosystem. These may be readily customized to display your most critical information (much like a landing page). Since it does not require users to install any third-party programs, this direct presentation of information has been able to deliver a smooth customer experience for businesses.

Nurturing Your Prospects – Maintain Meaningful Relationships

WeChat users are already actively interested in your brand and landed on your official WeChat account welcome page. This is a great situation and you can leverage it. With account optimation, regular articles, and other tools you can reach out to your fans and keep in touch. It’s your turn to meet, or ideally exceed their expectations. 

Welcome message and menu

When new users start to follow your official account, they are automatically greeted with a welcome message. This micro-moment can help them to understand your brand better and encourage them to take the next steps if your welcome message is optimized to give them the details and information they need – apart from the text you can add links, images, mini-programs, and more in there.
WeChat Channels Menu
The menu is another element brands shouldn’t overlook and you might even decide to allocate more effort to it. Treat menu as always-on content. We talked more about what the menu is and why is it so important and how to optimize it in our previous posts.

Basic segmentation

If your business has many departments and clients are interested in different topics it’s a good idea to segment your followers. This way you can send them articles relevant to their departments. Ask users about their preferred departments in the welcome message and manually label them in the backend. This method works when you have a relatively small fanbase and only if followers reply.

CRM integration

More advanced segmentation and targeting require a proper CRM (Customer Relationship Management).  To maximize the impact of the WeChat unified ID, brands must establish a link between WeChat OA and CRM. If you want to run more complicated campaigns, you may need to connect them to a marketing cloud. Take, for example, Salesforce CRM and Marketing Cloud.

💼 Why should brands use CRM Integrations on WeChat and how about Salesforce?


Tencent’s (WeChat’s parent company) version of WeChat for businesses, previously known as WeChat Work, is gaining traction among businesses.

WeCom is a business communication and office application that offers the same communication experience as WeChat. At the same time, it offers a broad set of open-source applications connected with the WeChat ecosystem.
It can assist businesses in connecting internally, with ecosystem partners, and with customers. It’s also worth noting that WeCom has an API that allows you to access and combine WeChat’s capabilities with other apps. 

WeChat WeCom

Private traffic

The use of private traffic is another element of WeChat B2B lead generation marketing. Setting up, monitoring and activating a WeChat group can take time. It’s a really great way to keep in touch with the followers and clients in real-time and initiate meaningful discussions.
Essentially, this is direct communication with lead segmentation. The scaling effect might convert more deals from a promotion campaign in the private chat group as more leads opt-in.

WeChat – A Great Tool for B2B Brands

As you can see, WeChat is more than just a social media platform. With its multitude of customizable tools, it offers a great approach to engaging with customers and increasing brand awareness. Bridging the gap between online and offline with a segmentation strategy and CRM can truly enhance communication with your prospects. 

Though WeChat lead generation has its challenges, it is a worthwhile process. If you want to get into the Chinese market, don’t miss out on this opportunity.

If you require further support with setting up your account or generation on WeChat, please contact our team. We use our knowledge and expertise to help businesses build meaningful partnerships and develop their network among Chinese customers. For additional information, please contact us by phone – Shanghai or Hong Kong.

WeChat for B2B Sector

We’ve always heard that WeChat is a wonderful tool for marketing to customers. But what about B2B marketing on WeChat?

B2B Marketing on WeChat

Since the B2B e-commerce sector began to flourish in 2013, B2B businesses have had to adapt their marketing strategies to stay up with the ever-changing channels and platforms. Because marketing methods vary swiftly in China, western approaches may not produce the best outcomes for B2B companies. As a result, determining the best platform for building relationships and generating leads is crucial.

Tencent’s Super App, WeChat, provides the ideal ecology for B2B businesses. WeChat, which has over 1 billion monthly active users (MAUs) and 80 million public account followers, may help businesses expand if used effectively. Many Chinese people no longer carry business cards to networking events, meetings, or conferences. They merely scan each other’s QR codes on WeChat.

Businesses may conduct one-on-one direct conversations with their customers, as well as one-to-many messaging possibilities inside groups, multimedia communication, and mobile data sharing, all of which make WeChat a useful and successful corporate communication tool.

WeChat also has a multitude of built-in features, such as stock ordering and administration, quizzes, and lessons, to name a few. To get the most out of this platform, make use of as many relevant features as possible. Furthermore, the WeChat app makes any work-related information more engaging, fascinating, and enjoyable. As a result, every company’s marketing efforts should include WeChat B2B platforms.

Types of WeChat accounts

First and foremost, you will require a WeChat official account. Businesses can use a WeChat official account to communicate with customers and boost brand awareness.

The 3 types of WeChat official accounts are subscription, service, and corporate.

Both subscription accounts and service accounts are appropriate for B2B marketing.

Since it allows organisations to maintain direct relationships with clients, a service account is preferable for service-oriented enterprises and after-sales departments. Only service accounts have access to CRM, custom menus, payment integration, and mini websites.

💼 Why should brands use CRM Integrations on WeChat and how about Salesforce?


What Are Some of the Beneficial Features of WeChat for B2B Marketing?


  • WeChat Web Analytics Tool
    Businesses can utilise WeChat web analytics to see how customers engage with their websites and gather feedback on their performance in order to enhance their products or services.


  • WeChat Translation Tool
    Businesses will benefit from WeChat’s in-app translation service, which is available for iOS and Android users. When doing business in China, you must be completely immersed in the culture. Poor translation will result in poor marketing outcomes and harm your brand’s image. It also aids firms in gaining a better knowledge of the demands and needs of their target audience.


  • WeChat Template Message Tool
    Official accounts can utilise a template message to deliver crucial service notifications to their customers, such as a message informing them that a purchase has been completed successfully.


  • WeChat Communication Tool
    Official documents, contacts, excel sheets, videos, and plans can all be sent over WeChat. The B2B segment allows businesses to communicate swiftly with one another via messages.


  • WeChat Group Message Tool
    You can send gender and location-based group messaging to your target audience. This function allows you to reach the proper target audience while avoiding annoying other groups of people who aren’t interested.

Other features available include an automatic reply tool, a personalised menu tool, and many more.



WeChat B2B marketing is a wonderful tool for businesses looking to market their goods or services to Chinese customers. To create the best marketing strategy, you must not only use all of the features of WeChat B2B, but you must also understand your opportunities and challenges.