Weekly China Updates

JD.com Announces Renewed Strategic Cooperation With Tencent

Tencent will keep providing JD.com with main entry points on its WeChat platform in order to maintain traffic. It also includes collaboration in areas like membership services, marketing and advertising, technology services, and communications.

The deal will carry out business cooperation in the areas of e-commerce portals, cloud technology and cloud services, membership systems, online conferences, enterprise services, smart retail and advertising, supply chain, and other areas. It will also strengthen technical exchanges and cooperation in artificial intelligence and other fields.

JD.com and Tencent are collaborating strategically for the third time at this time. The contract is extended for another three years.

Link: https://pandaily.com/jd-com-announces-renewed-strategic-cooperation-with-tencent/

Navigating Douyin — A Guide For Luxury

The mainland’s TikTok has already solidified its position in the market despite just having launched its e-marketplace in June 2020; it is currently ranked among the top five e-commerce applications with the greatest market shares.

600 million DAUs are on Douyin. The innovative consumer journey that Douyin delivers is what makes it so intriguing since it is completely changing the e-tail landscape. By connecting interest to final transactions, the software completes the cycle.

Link: https://jingdaily.com/douyin-guide-for-luxury/ 

Head & Shoulders Father’s Day Campaign Taps Into Paternal Pathos

Despite the fact that Father’s Day is not a recognised holiday in mainland China, it is nonetheless observed there in accordance with Western custom. On this day, the majority of Chinese advertisements are usually more sentimental than those in the West and focus on father-child connections. That said, it is remarkable how the Head & Shoulders commercial managed to stir up laughter in its viewers while also bringing them to tears.

For this very reason, family marketing is a common motif in Chinese ads. The good or service could be marketed to the whole family as a shared activity that is consumed together.

This video promo is not only directed at men who lose their hair but also at kids of all ages who value their father figures. In reality, sons and daughters wrote the majority of the posts under the Weibo hashtag #Dadsloveistoobald, which received an astounding 10 million views.

Link: https://daoinsights.com/works/head-shoulders-fathers-day-campaign-taps-into-paternal-pathos/ 

Weibo to Launch New Interest-Driven Social App

Several reports claim that Planet, a new interest-based social app, will be released by Weibo. An improved version of Planet Video, which already includes millions of communities covering a variety of themes, is the new app. Importantly, it will primarily serve as a tool for Weibo users to follow famous people and influencers while immersing themselves in groups of people who share their interests.

At the moment, Planet Video is divided into five categories: Home, Discover, Shoot, News, and My. The app immediately demonstrates Weibo’s interest in short video content. The move comes as no surprise given China’s tremendous demand for live streaming and brief video content.

On the other hand, some social circles may view the affiliation with a platform that promotes fan interaction and celebrity culture as disrespectful of the government’s efforts to curtail “excessive fan culture.” As a result, the luxury brands associated with Planet may find themselves in a sticky situation, dealing with criticism and reputational issues.

Link: https://jingdaily.com/weibo-planet-app-celebrities-short-video/

China’s All-Purpose Wechat App Lets Users Register Two Accounts With One Phone Number In Pilot Test

Tencent Holdings’ all-purpose social media platform WeChat is currently pilot testing a feature that enables users to sign up for an additional account using their existing mobile number. This could make it easier for users to balance their use of the app between their personal and professional lives.

According to a report by Chinese media outlet Thepaper.cn, the new capability has been in experimental testing with a small group of users since last year, and it is unclear if or when it will be formally released.

Some welcomed the move as a way to better separate work and life, while others were not impressed. However, some complained that the two accounts cannot work concurrently and they could miss the message on the main account when switching to the other one. 

Link: https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3184348/chinas-all-purpose-wechat-app-lets-users-register-two-accounts-one

WeChat Service Marketing

The service market is an official platform to help find cooperation. At present, millions of companies are looking for small program development, customer service and other high-quality services here.

In the article, the marketing managers of two companies recommended this platform. They said that after they applied to join this platform, they signed a lot of customer resources and got a lot of cooperation service providers who meet the following standards to enter the service market-content service area: 

  • It must be an independent corporate legal person, with fixed office space, and be qualified as a general taxpayer; 
  • Has been registered and operated for more than 1 year; 
  • The business scope should include: Daren, celebrity, self-media and other related businesses, providing market planning and publicity services, providing supply chain or e-commerce agency operations, etc., and engaging in related businesses for more than half a year; 
  • The registered capital is more than 500,000 yuan;

He has experience in providing live broadcasts, short videos, and graphic operations for merchants in the WeChat ecosystem. One of the following conditions is met:

  1. Sign a real and effective live broadcast operation business contract with at least 3 or more mini-program merchants, the live broadcast cooperation relationship can be checked, and the live broadcast comprehensive data performance during the service period is good;
  2. Possess an agency operation business contract based on short videos and pictures and texts signed with more than 3 merchants in the WeChat ecosystem.
  3. If neither of ① and ② is available, it is necessary to prove other materials that can prove the serviceability in the WeChat content service field.

Link: https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/oplatform/service_market/provider_guideline/enter_guideline/mcn_enter_guideline.html

What’s New in China This Week?

What a Buzzword Reveals About Chinese Tech’s Urban Bias

By increasing the frequency of notifications and advertising lurid or scandalous content outside of large cities, internet providers appear to be playing into prejudices about rural or less educated customers.

The ‘xiachen’ practises of internet corporations frequently reflect a skewed perspective of rural and small-town internet consumers. They’re portrayed as exploitable locales, with citizens who are readily satisfied. China’s economic development, however, differs not only between metropolitan cities and rural areas but even inside so-called xiachen markets.

Link: https://www.sixthtone.com/news/1010263/what-a-buzzword-reveals-about-chinese-techs-urban-bias

WeChat Channels: The Key to Your WeChat Ecosystem

Despite the fact that the material on WeChat Channels is not sales-oriented, the platform is nonetheless beneficial to enterprises, particularly those who have already set up e-commerce operations on the network.

Brands can connect visitors to a WeChat article featuring mini-program store embeds by including a link in the post description. WeChat Channels released an update in March 2022 that allows certified users to list mini-programs on the homepage, increasing conversion rates.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/yax22WrsGERrmtN-2FjMnA 

Nike CEO John Donahoe Says He’s Chasing Generation Alpha

Although Gen Z is presently Nike’s main source of revenue, the sportswear company has already set its sights on Generation Alpha – children under the age of 12.

Nike faces intense competition in China from disruptor and challenger brands, as well as continuing headwinds in China as a result of local anger over Xinjiang linkages and now Covid lockdowns. Nike released a Roblox game with LeBron James to use Web3 to increase physical sport participation while activating in the metaverse. You received a virtual reward for performing physical activity.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/sPMKsitKWHNQ6CzEBFlNYQ 

With Concerts and Pop Stars, Tencent’s Channels Emerge As Big Challengers to Short Video Giants Douyin, Kuaishou

Online concerts featuring big stars from the 1990s and 2000s, such as Lo Ta-yu, Jay Chou, and Westlife, have been organised by Tencent. WeChat’s Channels are gaining popularity, which might shake up the Chinese short video market, which is now headed by ByteDance’s Douyin.

Tencent claimed in its latest quarterly report that thanks to additional entertainment programming and improved algorithms, the volume of videos and total viewing time on Channels, its WeChat-based short-video platform, saw “substantial growth.” The growing popularity of Channels has the potential to shake up China’s short video business, which is now dominated by Douyin.

Tencent’s decision to invite bands that were popular in the 1990s and 2000s corresponds to WeChat’s short-video section’s user base, which is older than Douyin and Kuaishou. Channels also take advantage of WeChat’s large social media network, which allows users to view what their WeChat contacts have enjoyed in terms of posts and videos.

Link: https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3179857/concerts-and-pop-stars-tencents-channels-emerges-big-challenger-short?module=perpetual_scroll_0&pgtype=article&campaign=3179857

China Digital Currency: Leading Mobile Payment Apps Alipay, and WeChat Pay Install New Features to Help Widen E-Cny Roll-Out

On Thursday, Alipay said that its app now includes a button that allows users to search for and download the official e-CNY wallet. Users can make purchases with e-CNY on the app by creating an account with the same phone number as Alipay. On Alipay’s platform, approximately 6 million digital yuan wallets have been “pushed” to merchants, a process that allows a new e-CNY user to commence that payment option. Last year, Alipay, which has around 900 million users, enabled the payment option.

WeChat Pay, which accepted digital yuan as a payment option three months ago, added a similar e-CNY wallet capability to its app in April. At the end of December, the mobile payments platform, which is part of the multipurpose super app WeChat, had almost 900 million users.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong aims to launch a trial programme to utilise the e-CNY in the city soon, making it the first offshore city to use the digital currency outside of mainland China.

Link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-digital-currency-leading-mobile-093000549.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADsmwpThaIz1VCSUKtkfFxHs8-2J7tneZmfm2YAnImpD5J3BErW0uvdA4ob6OWCz2GLMb_HSkAHalgS82PWinLZ0zM_FAmnTXHt8znZFwhpJpdA93eYjSHAb2SS0ya2YFYTWsaXgE9E8F16WPnT8HqAfNPm6l_72SOnF8cYey1x3

Latest China News

Chinese Consumers are Comfortable Sharing their Data Compared to Consumers in Other Markets

Between 2017 and 2021, China’s loyalty programme market grew at a 13.7% annual rate to $15.7 billion. Over the following four years, it is predicted to increase at a rate of 13.0% each year.

Quick-service restaurants are establishing green rewards programmes to incentivize consumer behaviour in order to promote a more sustainable lifestyle and attract consumers who are driven by eco-friendly companies.

Link: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220512005913/en/China-Loyalty-Programs-Market-Intelligence-Report-2022-Chinese-Consumers-are-Comfortable-Sharing-their-Data-Compared-to-Consumers-in-Other-Markets—ResearchAndMarkets.com

WeChat Channels Live Streaming Rewards “Traffic Coupon” to Drive Traffic and Sales

Option 1: Mini program live streaming: Brands and businesses can add a Live Streaming module or component to WeChat mini program. For example, brands such as Perfect Diary, Forest Cabin (in Chinese: 林清轩), and Prada have held live streamings through WeChat mini program for sales or events.

Option 2: WeChat Channels Live Streaming: Up to early 2022, WeChat Channels have reached 450 million Daily Active Users, a 50% increase compared to early 2021. WeChat Channels Live Streamings are more visible to the public audience compared to mini-programs. For example, people browsing content on WeChat Channels may enter live streaming of a brand they didn’t know before.

Traffic coupon: In 2022 April 12th to December 31st, any live streaming for shopping purposes with the shopping cart function activated will be automatically participating in Merchant Incentive Plan. 

Brands or merchants have to introduce 50 new viewers that didn’t come from WeChat Channels to gain official traffic coupons. You can drive followers from your WeChat Official Account, spread the news through WeChat Moment, WeCom, personal chats, or groups, to Channels Livestreaming.

Link: https://walkthechat.com/wechat-channel-livestreaming-rewards-traffic-coupon-to-drive-traffic-and-sales/

How to Inspire Word of Mouth Marketing from a Chinese Audience

Any marketing strategy’s success is determined by two factors: reach and impact. Unlike mass media advertising, which has a broad reach but a limited impact, word-of-mouth marketing has a narrower reach but a far greater impact.

The value of word-of-mouth marketing is represented in statistics: according to Semrush, word-of-mouth marketing accounts for $6 trillion USD in global expenditure each year and accounts for 13% of all sales.

Currently, the top social media platforms in China for word-of-mouth marketing include WeChat, Weibo, Xiaohongshu (RED), and Douyin (Tik Tok’s Chinese counterpart), all of which also have their own e-commerce functions built in.

  • KOC
  • DTC
  • Group Purchase

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IRwuZJ_-B26ACLLWt5osEw

Three Chinese Digital Marketing trends in 2022 


Regular product updates: More than 200 million new products will be launched on Tmall in 2021, accounting for 35% of the market. It signifies that new products have emerged as one of the most critical components of brand growth.

New goods, on the other hand, do not have to replace prior ones; rather, the new ones might be based on the previous ones and emphasise essential components to highlight the brand’s individuality. For example, OPPO debuted a new series Reno 6 with a light blue cover in September 2021, then 6 months later, they released a new colour Purple Star with the same feature.

Second, more and more brands are collaborating with other brands, particularly those that focus on completely different areas, in order to introduce a brand-new concept and capture the audience’s interest. For example, LV and Nike Air Force collaborated on a new shoe design. Holland, in collaboration with Pokeman, has released a new line of cakes.

Introducing virtual space and unleashing marketing imagination: 
Because of the Facebook revolution, metaverse has grown in popularity since 2021. More and more firms are creating advertising based on this notion, and NFT makes it even more appealing. With the advancement of new technology and the increasing risk of celebrity (scandals), more corporations are creating their own virtual idol for marketing objectives.

On the one hand, developing virtual idols assists firms in lowering marketing costs. Brands, on the other hand, can create a virtual image to suit the company’s position.

Brand responsibility has been enhanced: In recent years, a few corporations have developed a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) department with the goal of increasing both social and financial value. Sustainable development will be one of the most essential aspects of a brand that encompasses three major themes: environment, climate, and biodiversity.

– Kangshifu and Pepsi both launched a drink without labels, to reduce carbon and build an environmental concept.
– Kuaishou created an advertisement, revealing the reality of the polar bear, and started a public campaign calling upon the whole society and corporations to actively respond to global warming with low-carbon actions.
– Clarins, together with WWF, created a foundation, starting with protecting the habitat of Siberian tigers and appealing to people to pay more attention to the living status of those tigers and hoping to help them come back home sooner.

Link: https://socialbeta.com/t/10-digital-marketing-trend-in-2022

WeChat Channel Admin Can Be Migrated

Previously, if we wanted to display the channel on the official account’s page, we needed to have the same administrator for both the WeChat official account and the channel. However, if the administrator of the official account is removed for personal reasons, but the administrator of the channel remains the same because the channel administrator does not support change, the channel will not be featured on the front page.

Now the administrator of the channel can be changed, and the function is still under test.

Key points:
It can be replaced 5 times a year
Only certified video numbers are supported
Private messages cannot be migrated

Link: https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/develop/article/doc/000882fe1d01a003afed3e00e5b013






China Weekly News Roundup

Elon Musk Praises the WeChat Model As He Discusses Plans for Twitter

Elon Musk praised WeChat as “really an excellent app” and labelled it “a good model” 

“We don’t have anything like that,” Musk said, as he complimented the Tencent super app’s offering of services like Twitter, PayPal and more “all rolled into one.” 

“Such an app would be really useful” in markets outside of China, speculating that it could be created by converting Twitter to something all-encompassing or starting a new app from scratch. 

Musk’s comments quickly went viral in China, with the hashtag “Musk praises WeChat” amassing more than three million views within a few hours on the microblogging platform Weibo.

Link: https://technode.com/2022/05/19/elon-musk-praises-wechat-model-as-he-discusses-plans-for-twitter/

Tencent’s Total Revenue Stays Flat, Profit Drops in Q1 Amid Regulatory and COVID Headwinds

Tencent fell short of market forecasts after posting almost flat revenue growth in the first quarter of this year ($21.2 billion in revenue versus $21.1 billion in the same period last year).

The company’s earnings for the period were RMB 26.3 billion, a 24% reduction year on year, while net margins fell to 19% from 26% the previous year.

Tencent’s worst result since its IPO in 2014 is primarily due to clients’ reduced ad spending and more competition from competitors like TikTok owner ByteDance. Despite the state signalling a softening of pressure on digital giants, the impact of regulatory crackdowns will remain since it will “take time for specific regulators to convert directly into meaningful action.”

Link: https://technode.com/2022/05/19/tencents-total-revenue-stays-flat-profit-drops-in-q1-amid-regulatory-and-covid-headwinds/

TikTok Parent Aims to Double Ecommerce Volume on China App to $240 Billion

This year, ByteDance hopes to more than double the amount of shopping done on Douyin in China to about $240 billion. ByteDance is now planning a global e-commerce development.

TikTok launched an e-commerce function, TikTok Shop, in the United Kingdom and Indonesia last year, allowing users to complete transactions within the app.

It launched the feature in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines last month.

If TikTok’s 1 billion active monthly users embrace the buying option, ByteDance will be a serious competitor to Amazon.

Link: https://www.theinformation.com/articles/tiktok-parent-aims-to-double-e-commerce-volume-on-china-app-to-240-billion

JD Rolls Out Online-to-Offline Department Store Business with Plans for Physical Outlets

JD has introduced a new department store channel by combining numerous existing businesses from its fashion and lifestyle areas, such as apparel, cosmetics, and housewares.

In addition to online platforms, the company intends to expand the service’s offline presence by opening themed brick-and-mortar storefronts in major cities. The first will open before June 18 in Beijing, Chengdu, and Xi’an.

Link: https://technode.com/2022/05/10/jd-rolls-out-online-to-offline-department-store-business-with-plans-for-physical-outlets/

Zhihu 知乎: The Q&A platform for B2B marketing

Zhihu 知乎, which was created in 2011, is a Chinese social platform that has been compared to the western question-and-answer website ‘Quora.’ With more than 100 Million Monthly Active Users in the fourth quarter of 2021, the 36.4% year-over-year rise attests to the community’s ongoing development and potential.

Unlike Baidu Zhidao 百度知道, where the sort of content and responses are given are shorter in length, Zhihu 知乎 provides high-quality content that prioritises quality over quantity.

Even though the platform has a large user base, a larger portion of the audience exhibits unique characteristics. The majority of users are highly educated; they spend about 40 minutes each day reading the stuff submitted, and 60% are between the ages of 25 and 35.

How can you improve your visibility on Baidu?

Since Zhihu has a strong domain authority on this search engine, sharing content on Zhihu boosts your chances of appearing on Baidu SERP.

You can link your business social profiles as well as your corporate website on your Zhihu page, guiding viewers to your key communication channels.

Other features have been added to the platform throughout time. Zhihu Column 知乎专栏, for example, allows you to produce an essay on a given topic without having to attach it to a specific query. Zhihu Roundtable 知乎圆桌 allows specialists to deliver in-depth insights about a certain field of expertise, whilst Zhihu 知乎 Live allows people to interact with the company in real time.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/1uguDRjXl01yj0f4W5BkQQ

Balenciaga’s WeChat Campaign for China’s 520 Day

Balenciaga produced a campaign that includes a number of social activities and limited editions, all of which were available on their official website and in their physical locations. The “5:20 Video Game Hall,” a virtual arcade with pixel art and realistic audio that is now live on the company’s WeChat channel until May 20, stood out. Along with this, 520-exclusive profile images and WeChat gags were made available for free download.

The mini-games throughout the hall struck a chord with Chinese Millennials who grew up with arcade classics like Galaxian and Super Mario, and many WeChat users have already utilised the memes and profile images. Such assets serve as a virtual identity stamp, assisting the company in consolidating its digital significance and expanding its online communities.

Link: https://jingdaily.com/520-2022-balenciaga-louis-vuitton-prada/ https://www.163.com/dy/article/H7MFPPE20552U2HZ.html?f=post2020_dy_recommends 

Wufangzhai Created the Cone Universe

Wufang Pictures has reopened and has officially released “The Next Stop of the Metaverse.” Not only did the brain hole fly out of the Metaverse in this blockbuster, but the copywriting made people crave it.

The short film concludes with a gloomy night, the Metaverse city with many high-rise structures, but no sign of human people. However, no matter how many worlds exist, there is no alternative to the preciousness of human people, which tickles the emotional link deep within every individual and tempts them to try that magical zongzi.

Link: https://socialbeta.com/c/11455 

The WeChat Service Account Has Added a Function–No Notification

The “no notification” capability was incorporated in the most recent WeChat upgrade. To see the message non-disturbing switch, click three points in the upper right corner of the home page of each service number, and then choose “Settings” in the pop-up menu. When there is a new message in the service number after opening the message without interruption, the unread number is not displayed but is simply represented by a small red dot.

This might be bad news for the service account: because it includes a reminder function, it can remind users to read the articles on time, so increasing the amount of reading.

But it’s also good news to a certain extent: according to our experience, after each article is pushed, the account will lose some users. Maybe when the user is not disturbed by the reminder information, the user will not unfollow the account.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zQtJ5RU7edeAvzFd22l2-A 

What’s New in China This Week?

Private Traffic = Fake Friends Shilling Lipstick: Welcome to WeChat’s Hottest Sales Trend

Thousands of Chinese firms are utilising WeChat to profit from a marketing trend that has swept the country’s e-commerce industry: private traffic. 

Traditional open eCommerce platforms such as Taobao and Tmall are considered impersonal and uninteresting, preventing firms from making genuine connections with customers. Brands employ private traffic to convert casual shoppers into loyal customers by connecting with them in the same way that they would text family and friends.

The intimacy, though, is a sham — enabled by a suite of technologies that allow businesses to collect data on consumers, automate interactions with them, and, in some circumstances, create entirely synthetic influencers.

This year, private traffic sales are expected to exceed 3 trillion ($454 billion).

Link: https://restofworld.org/2022/china-wechat-private-traffic/

Luxury Brands Navigate Shanghai’s Lockdown to Keep VIPs Pampered

Banks and high-end hotels have joined luxury businesses in sending out treats for the wealthy, a privilege that has not gone ignored on social media. In addition to presents, several brands have organised online classes. La Mer has taught DIY facial massages, while Dior has offered seven-day tickets to a premium yoga studio’s virtual sessions. Prada has held a virtual cultural club in which writers, filmmakers, and musicians were invited to recommend books, movies, and recordings.

Since Shanghai accounts for up to 12% of China’s offline luxury shopping, store closures have required a shift to virtually, but still personally, servicing VIPs to ensure transactions are made after the lockdown.



How Do Beauty Brands Hop on China’s Metaverse Bandwagon?

China boasts the world’s second-largest beauty sector and a growing digital native consumer base. The rise of new technologies, such as the metaverse and NFTs, is opening up new possibilities, and luxury companies appear to be eager to take advantage of these new tools in order to communicate with young, tech-savvy Chinese consumers.

Laneige’s campaign reached the metaverse in December 2021, when they expressly invited CHUAN (Chuan CHUAN), a popular virtual idol, to serve as Laneige’s Trend Experience Officer, claiming to have broken past the barrier of beauty.

Takeaway: There will be an increasing demand for expressive avatars who are creative and free to wear make-up as if in real life.

Link: https://daoinsights.com/works/how-do-beauty-brands-hop-on-chinas-metaverse-bandwagon/ 

Digital Policy Experts Weigh In on China’s New Algorithm Regulation

Many of the most popular Chinese apps, including WeChat, Douyin, Weibo, and Taobao, altered their app settings to allow users to turn off algorithm-based recommendation services in mid-March, two weeks after China’s new algorithm law went into effect.

The regulation is also the world’s first attempt by a national regulator to control the possible abuse of algorithmic decisions. It asks companies to notify consumers about the usage of algorithms, provide an opt-out choice, and protect vulnerable groups, such as minors and seniors.

It may be too early to predict the regulation’s impact on Chinese IT companies and, more broadly, on the expansion of China’s internet sector, which has already been subjected to intense regulatory scrutiny in the previous year.

Chinese tech firms are facing challenges on multiple fronts, including increased domestic regulatory scrutiny, a slowing economy, concerns about the possible delisting of US-listed Chinese stocks from foreign markets, and the precarious position Chinese tech firms find themselves in amid Russia’s war in Ukraine. This regulation is likely to add to their list of concerns.

Link: https://technode.com/2022/04/05/digital-policy-experts-weigh-in-on-chinas-new-algorithm-regulation/?utm_campaign=%5BASIA%5D%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=209626042&utm_content=209626042&utm_source=hs_email

Babycare Mother’s Day Campaign – Better Mother’s Day Gifts

The evolution of parenting concepts

As the leading brand in the maternal and child business, BabyCare has created an intriguing campaign titled “Better Mother’s Day Gifts” for Mother’s Day in 2022. BabyCare introduced a new concept in parenting by encouraging daddies to participate in parenting as well as giving mummies time to have fun.

On the eve of Mother’s Day, he uploaded a piece of rap created by himself on the Douyin platform, along with the video with the baby, as a “better Mother’s Day gift,” with the help of the new baby dad and rap star Bridge, who routinely brought babies out of the circle. The amount of views on the Douyin #bettermothersdaygift related topic page hit 10 million one day after the video was released, while the similar topic uploaded on Weibo got 300 million views.

According to Babycare, the label “raising infants is a mother’s business” is mirrored in the design of maternal and newborn items, as well as the intrinsic notion of parenting. Bags with babies, for example, are known as “Mummy bags,” and they are created to fit the body and aesthetics of women. Another example: the room where babies are changed and fed is known as a “mother-and-baby” room, and guys are normally not permitted to enter; so, changing diapers is unquestionably mum’s task. BabyCare feels that it is past time to break the mould and provide a new parenting solution for the next generation. As a result, they renamed the “mummy bag” “Diaper bag” and changed the style and size to masculine norms. In addition, Babycare has changed the moniker “mother-and-baby” room to “Nursery room,” and they plan to develop 100 mobile nursery rooms in eight provinces and cities, with dads permitted to enter.

BabyCare advocates for the de-gendering of baby and maternal items in order to create an egalitarian and welcoming parenting environment in which to raise children. Not only are they revamping things, but also a new generation of parenting ideas and practices.

Link: https://www.tellerreport.com/business/2022-05-07-%22mother-and-baby-room%22-becomes-%22nursery-room%22-babycare-promotes-%22de-gendering%22-of-mother-and-baby-products.SkG8AzLQIq.html


A Recap of the Latest China Updates

Meet Poizon (Dewu), China’s Latest E-commerce Platform


  • What it is?
    Poizon is a full-fledged fashion marketplace that sells authentic designer and premium brand sneakers, garments, bags, watches, and accessories, as well as artwork. It began as a content-sharing community in 2015. The company then ventured into e-commerce and used specialised authentication. Its journey is built around two pillars: community and shopping, allowing for a closed content-to-commerce cycle.
  • What does it offer?
    • Verification and quality inspection process for each purchase. Poizon-branded packaging, featuring an exclusive certificate of authenticity, a tamper-resistant cable tie, and custom packaging, is included with items that pass the process.
    • The world’s largest AR shoe model library. Its “AR try-on” function is used by 30% of customers every day.
  • What makes it different?
    On-site orders through purchase links in the posts, and sharing authentic experiences and styling inspirations after receiving the products. This helps accumulate brand equity and establish loyal communities.
  • Why does it matter?
    90% of its users are Gen Zers. They are better educated, have a broader perspective, and are more concerned about quality. Poizon has established an online shopping destination as well as a virtual area in which to form emotional relationships with others, and they are motivated by the potential of the community.

    Poizon, unlike other social networking platforms and e-commerce sites, is in charge of everyday operations, which are usually outsourced to third-party organisations. For brand merchants, there is no registration charge, which is a high cost on marketplaces like Tmall. And all of its marketing and advertising tools are available for free.

  • Bottom line: Legendary collaborations like Louis Vuitton x Supreme and Dior x Air Jordan have proved that the resale value of luxury can concentrate brand equity. Leading premium brands, however, appear unwilling to open official accounts, based on the current brand portfolio on the marketplace. A prudent approach might be a one-off collaboration.


Link: https://jingdaily.com/poizon-china-ecommerce-streetwear-resale/?utm_source=Jing+Daily+Subscriber+List&utm_campaign=03272a45fc-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_03_12_06_39_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_8dec01cd8d-03272a45fc-408272405

Tips on Increasing the WeChat Article Open Rate

  1. Leave out key information
  2. Catchy headlines
  3. Surprising – repeating characters or leaving extra spacing between letters
  4. Leverage buzzwords
  5. Relate to a common struggle
  6. Numbers in the titles
  7. Call out your target audience
  8. Problem + solution
  9. Be friendly and personable
  10. Categorize

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ahD0qYcIxpW6Jd2UNq6jhQ

Xiaohongshu Wants More Male Users. It’s Using Women as Bait.

Is XHS drastically changing? Since the company has adopted a new growth strategy that prioritizes attracting more men to join the platform, many women say that they no longer feel safe and comfortable sharing their reviews.


Taobao Tmall Released the Spring/Summer 2022 Fashion Trend Report. Based on Global Trends and Consumer Side Data, the Report Jointly Released Eight Spring/Summer Fashion Trends.

  • New Chinese style: Generation Z in China promotes design that is inspired by Chinese style and elements; at the same time, creative workers continue to produce excellent “New Chinese” products by delving deeply into the meaning of traditional cultural elements and combining them with the aesthetic concept of the new era.
  • The wearing style is generally made of body shapers, navel revealing styles, which accentuate the sensual and daring while integrating innocence and is influenced by the #Y2K style that has become trendy in recent seasons.
  • Free commuting: As working from home becomes the new normal, clothing is becoming increasingly integrated and diverse, and can be readily exchanged between office and leisure to meet the needs of many scenarios.
  • City Girl & Boy: Having a lockdown at home encourages individuals to engage in outside activities and get closer to nature. People are increasingly participating in outdoor recreational activities. Young people want a neutral combination, which combines leisure, sports, and other style components while displaying a basic and informal attitude and lifestyle.
  • Dopamine: This type of design can inspire joy and hope, restoring confidence and optimism for the future. Consumers are easily won over by design and experience that may elevate their spirits and promote optimism. Tufting’s popularity, both online and offline, is proof of this, as is the emergence of businesses like Merci Madame and Tagi, which demonstrate the trend’s market potential.
  • Holiday south France: go abroad vacationing still can stay only in imagination stage, “escape city plan” heat is not reduced, contracted and comfortable French country vacationing style catered to this one demand, attracted young city people with its peculiar languid, leisurely and comfortable with grace.
  •  High-performance life: safety and security as the most basic human survival law, is now under threat, it will drive the innovation of high-tech protective materials, promote the renewal and iteration of functional protective product design, so that science and technology empower, science and technology to benefit the world, in the field of fashion with products to provide people with a safe high-performance life.
  • Deconstruction: As customers place a greater emphasis on environmental protection, businesses and brands must assume greater social responsibility in designing and producing environmentally sustainable products that reflect today’s consumer values. In 2023, businesses’ objective of regeneration will become a prominent innovation field, as seen by the fashion industry’s launch of regenerative series, the use of recyclable materials in product design, and the creation of individual pieces through deconstruction.

Link: http://beautyland.creativeonshow.com/ifashion/index.html

China Learnings This Week

Short Video Platforms to Deal with Stricter Rating Measures

Problems with fan circles, such as irrational fan support among young fans, have become a cause of concern for Chinese politicians. Setting up a classification system for short video platforms is one of the options that has recently been offered.

‘First, we should tighten content management and allow the media to fulfil its social role,’ Chinese officials stated. Second, market restraints should be increased to aid the return to the rationality of the star-making frenzy.’

Netizens praised the move, pointing out that short videos have a significant influence on young people today, and that many videos on platforms like Kuaishou focus on attracting attention but neglect quality.

Last year, China saw certain limits come into effect when a notice was published in September 2021 forbidding TV and streaming platforms from running idol training shows – competitive reality shows that pit future stars against one other, with the victors going on to become China’s newest idols.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8t7aaiOj0j1OhHSIwffFqA 


How to Make Your Brand Go Viral: Branded Mini-Movies in China

Mini movies are short cinematic pieces created for a particular product or brand. The duration is generally shorter than 30 minutes. With the advancement of new media technologies, the branded mini-movie was formed, and it has become a popular marketing tool in recent years.

The purpose of a branded mini-movie is to disseminate information in order to demonstrate the brand’s values and messaging for commercial purposes. Touch and Go, a 90-second Cadillac commercial mini-movie starring Daniel Wu and released in 2010, is credited with being China’s first branded mini-movie.

Many brands have turned to mini-movie marketing as a regular activity in recent years, and some have even developed their own mini-movies. Alibaba Pictures, for example, was launched by Alibaba in 2014.

One of the most popular mini-movies was  What is Peppa? (啥是佩奇?) video with several hundred million views across streaming media platforms and the Chinese hashtag for #WhatIsPeppa was viewed nearly 1.5 billion times on Sina Weibo soon after its release.

Link: https://daxueconsulting.com/branded-mini-movies-in-china/ 


Video Account Has Added Useful New Features

  1. The service menu can be added to the WeChat Channels

Recently, brands that have received certification have been able to add a “service menu” capability to their home page, allowing for a straight jump to a mini-program.

At present, several WeChat Channels have added new service menus, and different types of accounts can customize the service setup. For example, the Channel 丁香医生 has two service sections and Huawei Customer Service features six service sections for contacting customer service, store inquiries. etc.  It can more effectively reach users and improve their convenience.

  1. Paid live-streaming rooms on WeChat Channels

Previously, Tencent NBA WeChat Channel hosted first paid live broadcast room, which carried NBA regular season content. The brand can create a paid live streaming room where users can choose what they want to view.

  1. The relationship between WeCom and WeChat Channels getting closer

WeCom added an option to send, receive, and watch the WeChat Channels live broadcasts, as well as send and receive live broadcasts from customers and publish them to customers’ friends’ Moments. The current version of WeCom now supports the direct push of the channel’s business card, which helps to gain exposure of the brand and increase the number of WeChat Channels followers.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/VcPwp9lo_67PL1DG5Ck9kg

What’s New in China?

China Drafts New Rules to Control Notifications and Pop-ups

Context: The proposed rules appear to be part of a larger attempt in China to “clean up” its online content offerings. Notifications and pop-ups have been accused of being abused by Chinese IT businesses, who have been accused of utilising them excessively to push commercial promotions or sensational material.

Why it matters: Notifications and pop-ups are commonly used by Chinese tech companies to market their services. New laws restricting their use could damage companies like Baidu, Tencent, and Meituan, who rely on them to market their products and make money through adverts.

  • The draft rules require service providers to not “abuse” notifications and pop-ups to sensationalize trending social issues or entertainment topics. 
  • Notification and pop-up pushing service providers must publish content that adheres to the government’s “core values.”
  • Advertising via pop-up windows would be required to show a visible close button and carry a clear notice to users about the paid nature of the content.
  • Service providers that don’t qualify for an internet news license would be barred from pushing news notifications and pop-ups.

Link: https://technode.com/2022/03/03/china-drafts-new-rules-to-control-notifications-and-pop-ups/

China’s Viral Metaverse Social App Zheli on a Roller Coaster

In less than a month, China’s metaverse-like social app Zheli surpassed WeChat as the most popular free app on Apple’s App Store. How do you explain your success?

Gen-Z’s new demand in virtual socializing: WeChat has dominated most online social scenarios in China for years. However, the platform’s blurring line between work and life, as well as its increasingly powerful enterprise features, erode the sense of intimacy. Zheli was attempting to blend in there. It aspires to provide a unique virtual place for close friends, where Gen-Z, who grew up in the digital age, feels most at ease and free to be themselves. Furthermore, Zheli provides its customers with the company of their dearest friends 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They’re always there, and everyone is kept up to date on one other’s daily activities, which is especially important in the aftermath of a pandemic.

This new platform was overloaded by unexpected demand, and users complained about inconsistent internet connections and frequent crashes. They suspended user registration on February 16 and chose to take use of the opportunity to correct bugs and improve user experience.

This so-called “China’s first metaverse social app” sparked a debate over how to strike a balance between immersive, realistic virtual experiences and privacy and copyright infringement.

The elements of the parallel actual world, in other words, data, must be used to create an immersive and realistic virtual reality. Everyone’s everyday life is distinct in many aspects, from dressing style to lifestyle. In the metaverse, private information is exchanged for a tailored setting that makes one feel accepted and comfortable. Is that an agreement that everyone would be happy with?

Link: https://daoinsights.com/works/chinas-viral-metaverse-social-app-zheli-on-a-roller-coaster/

Kuaishou To Ban External Links to Taobao and JD.com From Its Live Stream

External links to Taobao (owned by Alibaba) and JD.com, China’s two largest e-commerce sites, will be withdrawn from Kuaishou’s live streaming rooms soon.

As of Q4 2021, Taobao will lose access to all social commerce channels on the platform, which has over 410 million monthly active users.

Because live streaming events are the most popular form of online engagement, the decision will reduce Taobao and JD.com’s principal source of online traffic. The decision is motivated by a desire to create a closed-loop e-commerce system, as seen on all of China’s major video-sharing platforms.

In comparison to its rival Douyin, which had already tapped into this in 2020, this was a late move. This is another example of how, as China’s short video industry matures and user numbers stagnate, social commerce has become a new battleground for video-oriented platforms.

Link: https://daoinsights.com/news/kuaishou-to-ban-external-links-to-taobao-and-jd-com-from-its-live-stream/

Low-budget CNY Campaigns

“The most practical strategy of good CNY marketing is to find the most significant, overlapping resonance point with the emotion of Chinese New Year and brand characteristics.”

  • A playful approach incorporating name/logo/brand hero and the festival theme
  • Make the distance between CNY and family shorter and homier 
  • Fun experience
  • Pick cool partner
  • Following the same CNY theme is also a very good choice 

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8CtI5R0PxMsZhQo4vEJ7uQ 

Douyin Advertising: a Step by Step Guide

Nearly half of the Chinese population uses Douyin daily (600 DAU). ByteDance is a global leader in recommendation algorithms. 

Douyin users also show the highest advertising receptivity among all leading social platforms. For example, 43% of users indicate that Douyin ads are easy to accept, sometimes even entertaining to watch.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/LZ-baLoyevrkMbbaoe9DIQ 

Fjord Trends 2022

Accenture’s Fjord Trends 2022 present a tale about people and their interactions with the environment, technology, brands, and one another. The main topic is the necessity to adapt to changes in all relationships, which are the threads that weave the new fabric of life together.
Come as you are: This phenomenon has side-hustles as a feature, a cause, and a symptom. Technology is making it simpler to find new sources of income, either in addition to or instead of traditional work. Employers have additional problems as a result of this, as they must balance the flexibility they provide to people with the demands of the company as a whole and work toward the greater good of the business in order for creativity, diversity, and trust-building to thrive.

The end of abundance thinking: Having recognized the interconnectedness of everything, organizations will have to start collaborating with others in the ecosystem to tackle climate change—the most pressing challenge.
As the role of abundance thinking in business is thrown into doubt, “less” doesn’t have to mean “loss”.

The next frontier: It’s possible that we’re on the verge of a new cultural age. If this is correct, the metaverse will be linked to this cultural transformation. Whatever happens, the metaverse has limitless potential as a daring new environment for businesses to explore, test, and create, all of which makes it incredibly intriguing.

This much is true: Brands must navigate limited space for information layers and people’s limited attention span. The layers must be simple and easy to use, personalized, transparent and contextual to place, interface and people’s ever-changing modes. The content design will be key, and we expect conversational AI to evolve both in ambition and sophistication.

Handle with care: Care has always been a vital aspect of being human, but it’s become more apparent and openly acknowledged in recent years, which is a great change. Designers and organisations alike must create space for exercising care—talking about it isn’t enough. The goal should be to design and build caring into systems consciously.











Link: https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/PDF-169/Accenture-Fjord-Trends-2022-Full-Report.pdf

The Week’s Update In China

Alibaba goes after JD’s direct retail model with new e-commerce app:

It is establishing a new online platform that will follow the direct sales strategy of rival JD’s. Maoxiang, the new platform’s name, will first focus on consumer electronics.

Why it matters: 

Alibaba is trying out different models to boost business growth amid weakening consumer spending, intensifying competition, and tightening regulations. 


Maoxiang will adopt a direct retail model. The online platform can sell branded merchandise directly to consumers, having more control over sourcing, quality, storage, delivery, and after-sales.

For starters, the platform will focus on selling consumer electronics products, big-ticket items that JD also focused on during its early days. SF Express and Danniao Logistics are possible couriers for the service to ensure next-day doorstep delivery.

Link: https://technode.com/2022/02/18/alibaba-goes-after-jds-direct-retail-model-with-new-e-commerce-app/

Chinese otome games mark Valentine’s Day with fresh female content

Chinese female-oriented online games released new content to celebrate Valentine’s Day and attract new players. 

Why it matters: 

Otome (Japanese for “maiden”) games are primarily role-playing games aimed at female gamers (RPG). These online games pander to the emotional demands of female gamers by giving a variety of love fantasies. For these game designers, Valentine’s Day has become the most popular annual event.


Eight out of the top 10 otome games listed on TapTap, a game review platform and player community, released special content for Valentine’s Day.

For example, I Should Be a Rich Lady, the most downloaded otome game in Apple’s Chinese app store, unveiled Valentine’s Day contest on Feb. 10. Players are asked to vote for their favourite romantic characters. The game maker, Tomato Games, produced customized stickers for the winning character based on the votes. The game’s app ranks fourth overall in Apple’s RPG category.

Mr Love: Queen’s Choice, produced by Papergames, also released an update, adding more holiday plots and scenes. Players have the chance to win cash and other game content rewards  (in Chinese) during the time-limited update.

Link: https://technode.com/2022/02/14/chinese-otome-mobile-games-mark-valentines-day-with-fresh-female-content-mr-love/

How fashion can leverage blind box marketing in China

Blind boxes have grown into a massive industry that is expected to be worth 30 billion yuan ($4.6 billion) by 2024. Many Chinese consumers enjoy unexpected content, which fashion firms may use to create interesting narratives.

The problem is figuring out how to make blind box marketing work for fashion and luxury firms. Lanvin, which developed a blind box lottery on its Wechat mini programme for Chinese Valentine’s Day in August, is one luxury brand that has previously tried the waters.

Lanvin, a Chinese company controlled by Fosun International, set a low threshold for entrance into their Chinese Valentine’s Day lottery last August. To participate, participants simply had to pay 200 yuan. Team or group games might be played, garnering 50,000 players in a month and five-folding Lanvin’s Wechat views.

Link: https://www.voguebusiness.com/consumers/how-fashion-can-leverage-blind-box-marketing-in-china

Beauty in 2021: Trends, Observations, and KOL+KOC Marketing

Competition between domestic brands, both old and new, is increasing, as is competition between domestic brands and foreign brands. Limited collections and interesting brand ambassadors are used by brands to captivate consumers.

Men’s make-up, body care, and other beauty and skincare categories grew by triple digits, with male perfume consumption increasing threefold in four years.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/BXK4dLCsxNdAI9imxLj0LA  

Why do more and more brands choose Dewu(得物)?

The ranking of Dewu in the IOS app store has been in the top 10 of the app store for a long time. Judging from the IOS store rankings and the average daily downloads of more than 100000 users, Dewu has now become a “platform level” product. More and more brands and service providers have begun to invest Dewu.

At present, more than 5000 brands have settled in, mostly fashion wear” brands and high-end brands, such as sports brands Adidas, luxury brands ascoach, Michael Kors, Armani, and so on.

The reason why  high-end brands choose Dewu is mainly due to the following two points:

  1. The user group and consumer demand are expanding.
    The consumer demand of users grows as user groups expand: some guys are interested in shoes, watches, accessories, and men’s apparel; girls require women’s clothing, beauty makeup, and skincare goods, among other things. There is space for brand development due to consumer demand.

    At the same time, the “post-90s” account for more than 80% of property users, according to the most recent government statistics. Young people are the target audience for high-end brands.

  2. Second, the content community system is also good for the brand.
    The platform will guide customers to consistently develop high-quality content in Dewu’s content community system. When producing news on Dewu, for example, the platform will provide “high-quality strategic advice” to help people write high-quality news.

    Dewu’s current content community, like Xiaohongshu’s, is in UGC mode, with many KOL and MCN institutions settling in. According to official public data, Dewu collaborated with approximately 100 MCN institutions in the first half of 2021.

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0xP54EO37NE3K3kUPW7hEQ

Weekly Learnings From China

China introduces state-backed NFT platform unlinked to cryptocurrencies

China’s state-backed Blockchain Services Network (BSN) has announced the soft launch of a nationwide infrastructure to support Chinese non-fungible tokens (NFTs), marking a significant step toward the development of a domestic industry separate from the global market and unrelated to cryptocurrencies.

The BSN-Distributed Digital Certificates (BSN-DDC) infrastructure, according to BSN, would provide enterprises with “a varied, transparent, credible, and reliable” one-stop-shop for minting and managing their own NFTs without relying on cryptocurrencies, which are prohibited in China. The Ethereum blockchain is used by the majority of NFTs throughout the world.

BSN is backed by China Mobile, a state-owned telecommunications company, China UnionPay, and the State Information Centre, which is a government think tank. The blockchain unit of accounting company Ernst & Young, Digital Art Fair Asia, and the Hainan International Culture and Artworks Exchange Centre are among the 26 founding partners.

Because public blockchains are decentralised platforms, they are prohibited in China, where the government mandates that all internet services verify user identities and allow regulators to intervene if unlawful actions occur. To address this issue, BSN turned to an altered version of blockchain known as the open permissioned blockchain (OPB), which can be regulated by a selected group.

Minting fees, which can only be paid in fiat money, can be as low as 0.05 yuan (0.7 US cents) – a fraction of what they are on public networks. While NFTs are currently mostly utilised for certifying digital artworks, the largest market for accreditations such as car number plates would be management. The automobile owner, government, and insurer would all have controlled access to data including mileage, engine number, and repair history, with each party being aware of the rights of the others.

Link: https://www.scmp.com/tech/tech-trends/article/3164681/china-introduces-state-backed-nft-platform-unlinked 

Can overseas luxury brands incorporate guochao? 

Many luxury brands have collaborated with contemporary Japanese artists throughout the years, including Yayoi Kusama for Louis Vuitton and Veuve Clicquot, Takashi Murakami for Louis Vuitton, and Hublot for Hublot (all belonging to LVMH). Because Japan was the world’s largest individual consumer market for luxury goods until 2016, luxury houses concentrated their efforts there.

Luxury labels have created capsule collections for Chinese holidays such as the Lunar New Year, QiXi – Chinese Valentine’s Day, 520, and 11.11 Singles Day in recent years, as the tide has turned and the spotlight has shifted away from Japan and towards China.

Guochao 国潮 literally means national tide. This trend has been fueled mostly by the younger generation’s pride in domestic companies, designers, and artists. As a result, it’s remarkable that, in the two years since the trend began, European luxury and fashion businesses have been sluggish to adopt similar techniques to those employed in Japan.

Link: https://daoinsights.com/opinions/will-european-luxury-brands-incorporate-guochao-the-same-way-they-did-with-japanese-pop-culture/

ByteDance Debuts in the Metaverse With New Social App

TikTok’s owner, ByteDance, is testing its first metaverse social app called Party Island. The social network app creates a parallel online universe, where people can meet up, chat and join events in real-time, but through avatars instead of in the real world.

Party Island supports the same login method as Douyin (China’s TikTok) through a mobile phone number. Since it is currently in the testing stage, an invitation code is required to enter the platform.

Link: https://jingdaily.com/bytedance-metaverse-social-app/

The sports marketing market will become the leading force in 2022

The brand’s most crucial marketing direction is global sports competitiveness. It is the enterprise’s main appeal, especially in the aftermath of the epidemic, to promote the brand concept through events and communicate successfully with followers.

Brands must plan ahead and implement more targeted strategic deployments based on current marketing and consumption trends.

Tiktok has naturally created a global community and captured the attention of followers by offering engaging and educational material.

More brands are projected to enter the sponsorship market, energise communities associated to specific partnerships, or use the influence of sports or celebrities to raise public awareness, build trust, and fulfil commitments in order to create conditions for their products, services, and values.

Driven by sports competitions and social media, athlete marketing is further rising. These star athletes are younger than ever, and they reflect the core values of their respective fan groups.

Link: https://www.digitaling.com/articles/696723.html

Xiaohongshu-Snowflakes NFT is coming

Xiaohongshu asked world champions, sportsmen, and artists to produce 96 various design digital NFT of snowflakes during the ice and snow activities of this winter Olympic Games. Each work is limited to 1000 copies and is digitally certified with a unique hash value for each copy.

From February 4 to 20, look for “snowflake” in the small red book and go to the activity page. After that, complete a task to obtain one snowflake fragment, and five fragments can get an NFT snowflake at random.

Each snowflake is unique in its ingenuity. Each designer incorporates their individual professional traits into the snowflakes.

According to Wu Minxia, a diving champion, the six-petaled snowflakes and the surrounding splashes combine to create this remarkable snowflake.

Artists, illustrators, craftspeople, and other works ought to be recognised as well.

Jijiukiyoe, a Beijing-based artist, excels at Japanese ukiyo illustration and incorporates classic Japanese ukiyo themes with contemporary popular culture. He used the classic pattern “tiger, dragon, and Eagle,” presenting the snowflake pattern with oriental charm and blended the ancient blue and white porcelain pattern with the modern traditional tattoo style.

In addition to collecting snowflake digital NFT collections, the little red book has many surprises around the ice and snow event. Since January this year, many ice and snow athletes have settled in xiaohongshu. On the special page of xiaohongshu events, users can see the real-time medal and schedule information, live broadcast and obtain event information such as gold medal-winning and record-breaking. Many users also released notes to discuss the brand of clothing of each team at the opening ceremony. 

Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hQaKlQJvBvWc6YmAcsxidQ